Learn to play

baritone ukulele

(tuned  D  G  B  E)

Following are links to various baritone class materials -

20241102 Baritone Ukulele Redux v3.pdf

20241018 Baritone Ukulele Redux v2.pdf

20241005 Baritone Ukulele Redux v2

20240930 Baritone Class Announcement re Oct. 3 class start

20240630 (via email) Baritone Ukulele Skills 2 - Days 3 and 4

20240623 (via email) Baritone Ukulele Skills 2 - Day 3

20240615 (via email) Baritone Ukulele Skills 2 - Day 2

20240615 (via email) Bari chords I, IV, V, vii

20240609 (via email) Britone Ukulele Skills 2 - Day 1

20240331 (via email) Day 4 Baritone class notes

20240322 (via email) Day 3 Baritone class notes

20240318 (via email)  Baritone class chord diagrams

20240318 (via email) Revised Baritone Ukulele Class Syllabus v5.2


Homework published 20240312

Here are the class notes from the class held March 7, 2024.


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Previous classes (just for your information)

Cody's Baritone Ukulele Class Series beginning October 26, 2023

                                                              Chords used most often in the key of C

The following are handouts for baritone classes.  Click the link on the left to download the handout.


20231026_01   October 26, 2023 class

20231102_01          20231102_02   Two handouts for Nov. 2, 2023 class

20231109_01   Nov. 9, 2023 class

20231110_0    Distributed via email Nov. 10, 2023 for next class

20231116_01  Class Notes from Nov. 16, 2023

