Some of our members entertain solo or in a group or perform with other clubs. Below is a list of performances we know about and some links to UPC member entertainers with social media pages. If you spot errors or missing information, please let us know. If you are a UPC member participating in a performance event open to the public and would like to list it here, please give Tim the information (a leaflet, handout, etc.). Thanks.
Roxy - Announced the Village Voices Chorus presents "100 Years of Broadway with a Gospel Coda." At the North Lake Presbyterian Church at 6 PM on Tuesday, March 11th at 6 PM. Tickets: $20. Avail: at (352) 668-8921 or
Dr. Marc Rhoades ("Marc"), is also known as “MrBluSkies.” He is available for appearances at private parties and other entertainment venues. Contact him or go to his website at

If you are on Facebook, you can follow Cody Lesser at Cody Musician
Mark, John, Wayne and Glenn solo with Sparkey’s Strummers during their weekly practice sessions at the Savannah Recreation Center every Thursday at 9 AM. These practice sessions are open to the public. Typically there is an audience of 50 - 100 on Thursday mornings.

REWIND BAND - Cody (guitar and vocals) and Glenn (keyboards) perform with the REWIND BAND. In addition to the band's private bookings, it puts on 2-3 free public concerts each year. The next free public concert is scheduled for April 1, 2024. See Cody or Glenn in March for final details.

The British Invasion Band - performances
October 22, 2023 - Brits ’n US club at Truman Center
UPC Small Performance Group performances at residence facilities in 2023
Banyan Residence Assisted Living Resort in Oxford.
1/2, 2/27, 3/28, 5/5, 8/28 Watercrest Assisted Living, Rt 466, The Villages
Here are some clubs you might like to try. Some are primarily for ukulele players. Others are "ukulele-friendly" in that ukeleles are welcome among other instruments. Please check with the Recreation News for further information.
- Peace, Love & Ukulele Club– 1st, 2nd& 3rdMonday @ 10:30 Am @ Laurel Manor RC
- Ukulele Cafe (Formerly known as "Strumming Ukulelians" – 1st, 2nd& 4thMonday @ 1:30 PM @ Laurel Manor RC
- Goodrich Folk Group – Monday @ 7:00 PM @ Lake Miona RC
- Ukulele Players Club –Thurs. @ 12:50 in the Grand Canyon Theater, at the Everglades RC
- “Strum for Fun Club”, Thurs. @ 4:00 PM at the Sterling Heights RC.
- “Hummers and Strummers”- Tues., @ 10:00 Am in the Cape Hatteras Room at the Bridgeport RC
“Mike Ryan's Banjolele Strings Club”.@ 12:00 Noon at the O’Dell RC - Villages Ukulele Club@ 4:00 PM at Chula Vista RC