Other Opportunities to Play Your Uke and Sing
Mike Ryan's Banjolele Strings Club – Tues, 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM at O’Dell Recreation Center. Songbooks available in paper format and via Dropbox at the club meeting. Loaner books available at the session.
Hummers and Strummers - Tues. at 10:00 - 11:00 AM in the Cape Hatteras Room at the BRIDGEPORT Recreation Center. Songbooks available in paper format and via Dropbox at the club meeting. Loaner books available at the session.
Villages Ukulele Players - Tues. at 4:00 PM at Chula Vista Recreation Center. Songbooks available in paper format and via Dropbox at the club meeting. Loaner books available at the session.
Peace, Love & Ukulele Club – 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th Monday @ 10:30 Am @ Laurel Manor.
Contact: Mary at [email protected]. Updated Loaner Books and song books available
Goodrich Folk Singers – Mondays @ 7:00 PM @ Lake Miona Recreation Center. For Folk Singing song book through DROPBOX please contact Rich at [email protected].
Strumming Ukuleleans - 1st, 2nd & 4th Mondays @ 1:30 pm @ Laurel Manor Rec Center..
Hummers and Strummers - Tuesdays @ 10 AM at the Bridgeport R.C.
Mike Ryan's Banjolele Club - Tuesdays @12 Noon at O'Dell R.C..
Villages Ukulele Club - Tuesday's @ 4 PM at the Chula Vista R.C.
Ukulele Players Club - Thursdays - Classes at 12:45 PM -First Step(with Loaner Ukes) and Next Step. Open Sing at 2 PM at the Everglades R.C.
Strum for Fun Club - Thursdays @4 - 5:20 PM @ Sterling Heights Rec Center.