Other Opportunities to Play Your Uke and Sing

Mike Ryan's Banjolele Strings Club, 2019

Mike Ryan's Banjolele Strings Club –  Tues, 12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM at O’Dell Recreation Center. Songbooks available in paper format and via Dropbox at the club meeting. Loaner books available at the session.

Hummers and Strummers - Tues. at 10:00 - 11:00 AM in the Cape Hatteras Room at the BRIDGEPORT Recreation Center. Songbooks available in paper format and via Dropbox at the club meeting. Loaner books available at the session.

Villages Ukulele Club 

Villages Ukulele Players - Tues. at 4:00 PM at Chula Vista Recreation Center. Songbooks available in paper format and via Dropbox at the club meeting. Loaner books available at the session.

Peace Love Ukulele 2018

Peace, Love & Ukulele Club – 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th Monday @ 10:30 Am @ Laurel Manor.
Contact: Mary at [email protected]. Updated Loaner Books and song books available

Goodrich Folk Singers – Mondays @ 7:00 PM @ Lake Miona Recreation Center. For Folk Singing song book through DROPBOX please contact Rich at [email protected].

Strumming Ukuleleans - 1st, 2nd & 4th Mondays @ 1:30 pm @ Laurel Manor Rec Center..

Hummers and Strummers - Tuesdays @ 10 AM at the Bridgeport R.C.

Mike Ryan's Banjolele Club - Tuesdays @12 Noon at O'Dell R.C..

Villages Ukulele Club - Tuesday's @ 4 PM at the Chula Vista R.C.

Ukulele Players Club - Thursdays - Classes at 12:45 PM -First Step(with Loaner Ukes) and Next Step. Open Sing at 2 PM at the Everglades R.C.

Strum for Fun Club - Thursdays @4 - 5:20 PM @ Sterling Heights Rec Center.